Difference between garages and car ports in Redmond Oregon

Is there a difference between garages and car ports in Redmond Oregon? It’s a really good question. If separated from the house, they can be both a garage or a car port. Usually, when we think of a car port, we think of a LeanTo. A roof attached to the roof of your home. In example, the side of the car port is attached to your roof making a shelter over your car. It’s different than a garage because there are no walls, rather posts holding up the roof – hence porch to roof.


So why do we mention Redmond? Why not Bend or Sisters or Prineville? Well, we have two locations. One in Bend and one in Redmond, but our headquarters is in Redmond. So most of our articles are focused on our location. And speaking of locations, where would a car port go?

Kinds of car ports

There are three kinds of car ports. A porch to roof, a leanto and an external. A porch to roof is a simple roof that is added to the side of the house help up by poles. It’s the cheaper way to go. A leanto is like a shed but it leans against the house. You can park a car in a leanto. And finally, an external car port is a garage/shed that is separate from the house – external building.


We get many requests for a garage when someone is asking for a car port after we sit down with them and explain the difference. To save money, we make sure the client understands all of the differences and discuss all of the options.


Everything depends on what you want your car port or garage to do. Garages can be single or two story with lofts or rooms while car ports can be the same with room at the top and the port itself without walls. The difference between garages and car ports in Redmond Oregon all relates to the specs of the client needs, whether it’s for parking a car out of the elements or for a workshop.

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#car port redmond oregon

#car ports redmond oregon

#garages redmond oregon

Issaquah quality garage solutions.